Monday, June 28, 2010
 This video had me dyyying. And since the first time I've watched it the song's been stuck in my head. 
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Today was the most inspirational day of my life. Kidult, a revolutionary  organization sponsored by Pharrell Williams, hosted their first Leadership Conference in NYC. I was lucky enough to accompany some of my best friends who won entry to the event through twitter. The day was full of speeches on how-to's and stories of struggles, but I'm not complaining. Each person that spoke to us had a net-worth of well over 1 million dollars. Any advice that they can give me is the advice I'll run with.
I love LaToya K. Watkins.
Hezekiah Griggs III was my favorite speaker by far. The strangest individual, but entertaining nonetheless.
I love this man.

Mimi Valdez- Former editor&chief of Vibe magazine and one of Pharrell's BFFs.
He performed in the crowd and I made sure I was within arm length the entire time.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
 One of my biggest pet peeves has to be people who wear clothing that doesn't fit. The weekend of 100.3 Da Beat's "Super Jam" It seemed as if every where I went the hot messes followed me. There's nothing to do with this footage but share. With that, I present my newest segment, "UGH".
That shirt belonged to the baby in the stroller.
The one on the left had me crying with those cutout leggings. And to add insult to injury, she looked like a dog on hind legs trying to walk in those heels.
This picture should speak for itself. White is NOT slimming baby girl, no matter what the season is.
Monday, March 29, 2010
I LOVE Nicki Minaj. I am, with NO shame, a self proclaimed Barbie. Therefore, expect all of my posts about her to be biased. Nonetheless, I really like this track. It's a lot rougher than what I expected, and it doesn't go as hard as "Itty Bitty Piggy", but I've already started learning the words.
Download & Listen.
It's Barbie Bitch

This video is BEYOND amazing. It has surpassed each and every one of my expectations. It features a cameo from baby Knight himself. Money and time went into this project and it shows. Kelis even snubs all of you haters while wearing those familiar horns on her head, "sea monkey what now bitches?"
Watch and enjoy lovelys.

Monday, March 15, 2010
Trina must've been reading my mind while I listened to her other attempts to jump back into the game. Her feature verses on "5 Star Chick" and "My Chick Bad" were weak in comparison to the current female rap front runner, Nicki Minaj. Apparently she figured out her shortcomings on her own because I'm starting to smell redemption. "Million Dollar Girl" is something I would actually blast in the car. Although it's filled with Trina's typical preschool rap analogies, it features Miss Keri Baby, and Uncle Diddy himself. The uptempo 80's beat makes this track ideal for the soon to be warm weather. Not to mention the Baddest Bitch is looking super duper fab in the video!!! Check it out!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Check out the big homey Bryan making 'em melt with this Trey cover. I knew he would sound great singing this when I requested it. Make sure you go to his youtube channel to subscribe. He's certified #poppington. (even if he's from Jersey). <3
Anyone who follows me on atleast one social networking site knows that I am head over heels in love w/ everything that has to do w/ Kelis. This woman pours inspiration on my everyday life. She's the background on my computer, cellphone, twitter, and currently the profile picture on my facebook. Pictures of her are sometimes replaced, but only with better pictures of her. To make things more serious, I have to admit that her musical talent surpasses her looks. I enjoy listening to her as much as I do looking at her.
All of you Rihanna and Gaga fans. Do as the great @UgoMozie says and "Check The Credits". 
Kelis has been on this next millennium shit since 99. 

The original queen of style/MRS Ms. Bossy.
For anyone who has yet to turn 19, you aren't missing out on anything. 
It has to be the most insignificant number I've upgraded to. My birthday was last Monday, the 8th of March. I celebrated with a party in 2 hotel suites. The smoke alarm sent everyone running around 1:30 but I was done entertaining by then anyways. My favorites from NY came down to join the festivities and I saw friends that I only ever see in the summer. What made me the happiest was spending back to back days with RSK and ultimately, acting like a child. There's only 359 days until 20 and I am terrified. Who doesn't want to be forever young?
Thursday, March 04, 2010
All I have to say is #YEEESSSS. 
After waiting all day for the delayed mixtape "There Is No Competition 2" from Fabolous my attention has been forced elsewhere. Drake's 1st single from his highly anticipated album "Thank Me Later" has leaked. While listening to this on repeat I'm about one trillion percent positive this album is gonna be craaaaazy. Now go down there and download.



Words to desribe me would be: lively, ambitious, pretentious, and most of all dauntless. I rarely dissapoint. Bound for greatness. One day I'll be famous for something. My current adventure is finding out just what that something is. Watch me think.
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