Sunday, March 14, 2010
Anyone who follows me on atleast one social networking site knows that I am head over heels in love w/ everything that has to do w/ Kelis. This woman pours inspiration on my everyday life. She's the background on my computer, cellphone, twitter, and currently the profile picture on my facebook. Pictures of her are sometimes replaced, but only with better pictures of her. To make things more serious, I have to admit that her musical talent surpasses her looks. I enjoy listening to her as much as I do looking at her.
All of you Rihanna and Gaga fans. Do as the great @UgoMozie says and "Check The Credits". 
Kelis has been on this next millennium shit since 99. 

The original queen of style/MRS Ms. Bossy.

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Words to desribe me would be: lively, ambitious, pretentious, and most of all dauntless. I rarely dissapoint. Bound for greatness. One day I'll be famous for something. My current adventure is finding out just what that something is. Watch me think.
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