Sunday, June 27, 2010
Today was the most inspirational day of my life. Kidult, a revolutionary  organization sponsored by Pharrell Williams, hosted their first Leadership Conference in NYC. I was lucky enough to accompany some of my best friends who won entry to the event through twitter. The day was full of speeches on how-to's and stories of struggles, but I'm not complaining. Each person that spoke to us had a net-worth of well over 1 million dollars. Any advice that they can give me is the advice I'll run with.
I love LaToya K. Watkins.
Hezekiah Griggs III was my favorite speaker by far. The strangest individual, but entertaining nonetheless.
I love this man.

Mimi Valdez- Former editor&chief of Vibe magazine and one of Pharrell's BFFs.
He performed in the crowd and I made sure I was within arm length the entire time.

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Words to desribe me would be: lively, ambitious, pretentious, and most of all dauntless. I rarely dissapoint. Bound for greatness. One day I'll be famous for something. My current adventure is finding out just what that something is. Watch me think.
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