Sunday, March 14, 2010
For anyone who has yet to turn 19, you aren't missing out on anything. 
It has to be the most insignificant number I've upgraded to. My birthday was last Monday, the 8th of March. I celebrated with a party in 2 hotel suites. The smoke alarm sent everyone running around 1:30 but I was done entertaining by then anyways. My favorites from NY came down to join the festivities and I saw friends that I only ever see in the summer. What made me the happiest was spending back to back days with RSK and ultimately, acting like a child. There's only 359 days until 20 and I am terrified. Who doesn't want to be forever young?

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Words to desribe me would be: lively, ambitious, pretentious, and most of all dauntless. I rarely dissapoint. Bound for greatness. One day I'll be famous for something. My current adventure is finding out just what that something is. Watch me think.
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