Saturday, January 30, 2010
-so in December I absent mindfully sent @RocNation a photo of myself merely hoping that they would pick me to be in the music video for my favorite song, "Pretty Girls" by Wale. A few days went past and I completely forgot I entered. That was until I woke up with a uber mention on my phone from @RocNation themselves. They were announcing that I made the top 10 out of hundreds of applicants. Needless to say, I was hype as shit. All that stood in the way of victory was votes. And my people really came through because I won.

-the video shoot was the first week in January and I wouldn't have chosen a better way to start off my year. I took as many photos as I could without looking like a typical tourist/groupie bitch.





 there was a ping pong table in the club scene. i started a game w/ the models. @TheTanayaShow is in bkgd.

all in all. I'm pretty sure I love LA more than NY. it's time to relocate.

1 critics:

Anonymous said...

how/where did you hear about a 'casting' for the video

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Words to desribe me would be: lively, ambitious, pretentious, and most of all dauntless. I rarely dissapoint. Bound for greatness. One day I'll be famous for something. My current adventure is finding out just what that something is. Watch me think.
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